
Still Life with Apples and Pears
それにしてもそんなセザンヌの静物画が、岸田劉生の素晴らしい静物画と同じように重く存在感のある絵になっているのは、どうしたことなのだろう。私は横浜の展覧会で出会った「洋梨のある静物」を描いてみることにした。 セザンヌはよほど人嫌いだったのか、人間の感情をとらえることがない。対象の個性が欠落した同じ人物画であっても、ドガの人物画には人間の美というものに対する眼差しがあるが、セザンヌの人物画には人間がそこに存在するだけで、感情がない。セザンヌの絵画にはロマンティックな要素が欠落している。セザンヌの人物画はどれもピンぼけの不機嫌な人たちばかりだ。ヌードにいたってはここまで下手にはなかなか描けないものだ。それなのにカルタをする人物には確たる存在感があるのはどうしたことか。ピンぼけの庭師が時々美しく見えるのはどうした訳なのだろう。いや人物画として見るからいけないのかもしれない。セザンヌにおいては風景画と人物画に差異がないのだ。対象は問題ではない。極端に言えば、対象は色面を組み立てるための方便にすぎない。樹木は様々な階調を持つ緑から構成されるが故に選ばれた対象にすぎず、山は色面がせめぎ合う量感のある完結した対象故に選ばれたにすぎない。
私のセザンヌはとてもひどいままだ。いずれあなたをわかる時が来るのが楽しみだ。 ピカソのように対象を易々と写しとれる人間には、対極のルソーやセザンヌがなぜ素晴らしい絵を描けるのか興味があったに違いない。ゴーギャンのように様々な画家の技法を取り込み、独自の画風に再構成しようとする画家にとっては、セザンヌの絵画革新への試みは大いに参考になったはずだ。困難に挑み生涯苦悩していたセザンヌが、マティスにとって救いであったように、得体が知れないセザンヌがいてくれることは、私にとって仕合せなことだ。
Still Life with Apples and Pears
Cézanne’s paintings are still a mystery to me. I can’t understand why he is so highly regarded. Every time I read an art critique about Cézanne, I end up disappointed. No matter which one I read, when it comes to the crucial points, they all seem vague. It starts to feel like they are all just emperors with no clothes, not truly understanding his greatness. Every time I see a Cézanne exhibition, I just think the paintings are poor. Yet, it’s complicated because sometimes, even I think they are wonderful. His watercolors and thinly applied oils, along with some of his still life, occasionally take my breath away. Still, I fundamentally consider Cézanne to be a poor painter. Perhaps it is precisely because he was a poor painter that he could become a great one. I believe he was constantly tormented by the vast gap between his passion for painting and his skill. He must have been constantly searching for ways to overcome and subdue this struggle. Frustrated that he couldn’t accurately express what was right in front of him through drawing, he perhaps began capturing forms with color without separating drawing and color. Maybe when he couldn’t achieve a sense of depth from one viewpoint, shifting perspectives helped him break through the impasse. Unable to neatly tie everything together, he might have constructed wholes from assembling fragments. Yet, it’s curious how Cézanne’s still life can have the same heavy presence and significance as the wonderful still life by Ryusei Kishida. I decided to try painting “Still Life with Apples” after encountering it at an exhibition in Yokohama.
Cézanne must have been quite a misanthrope, never capturing human emotions. Even his portraits, devoid of the subject’s individuality, lack the gaze upon human beauty that Degas’ portraits have; Cézanne’s figures merely exist, emotionless. His paintings lack romantic elements. His portraits are unfocused, grumpy people. His nudes are so poorly done it’s remarkable. Yet, there’s a definite presence in his paintings of card players. How can his blurry gardener occasionally appear beautiful? Perhaps the mistake is in viewing them as portraits. For Cézanne, there’s no difference between landscapes and portraits. The subject is not the issue. To put it extremely, subjects are merely conveniences for assembling color planes. Trees are chosen subjects because of their various shades of green, and mountains are chosen for the volumetric tension of their color planes.
Monet was able to express the shifting light in landscapes through color, but Cézanne must have aimed to surpass Monet by expressing the presence of objects through the transition of colors. Changing perspectives and timing, forms and colors must have appeared differently to Cézanne every time he chose a subject. While acknowledging this, Cézanne struggled to bring harmony to different colors and distorted shapes as he painted. Cézanne’s paintings are composed of accumulated moments of sensation. To connect disparate colors, Cézanne seems to have used a palette dominated by blues throughout, much like nature is filled with air or Leonardo’s aerial perspective imbues the entire scene with a bluish tint. The blue calms the agitation of the heart and brings a cohesive sensation to the canvas. Nonetheless, it’s intriguing that Cézanne, who spoke of painting directly from nature, focused on the rhythm of brushstrokes. This technique was probably a means of expressing the painter’s unique sensation, but why paint in overlapping directions? Replicating Cézanne’s paintings is incredibly difficult. The mystery remains, for now. My Cézanne is still terrible. I look forward to the day I can understand him.
For someone like Picasso, who could easily capture subjects, the question of why painters at the opposite spectrum, like Rousseau or Cézanne, could create wonderful paintings must have been intriguing. For painters like Gauguin, who absorbed various techniques from different artists and reconstituted them into their own style, Cézanne’s attempts at painting innovation would have been greatly informative. The fact that Cézanne, who faced difficulties and suffered throughout his life, existed is a comfort to me, much like he was for Matisse. It’s a happy circumstance to have such an enigmatic figure like Cézanne.