Georges de La Tour-Repentant Magdalen




Repentant Magdalen






Repentant Magdalen

The works of La Tour, illuminated by candlelight, warm the viewer’s heart with their serene beauty. Saints are depicted in the guise of poor commoners, shining with the dignity of flesh-and-blood humans. Although 17th-century France was little influenced by Caravaggio, it is said that La Tour visited Rome in his youth and received the baptism of Caravaggio’s light. La Tour has painted a series of “night” scenes that mystically interpret religious themes, but the light in La Tour’s paintings is not real light. It is created with a specific intention, generating a quiet, contemplative scene as opposed to Caravaggio’s passionate canvases. The 17th century in which he lived was a dark age covered with wars, famine, and plague. People constantly feared death and loneliness in the deep, pitch-black darkness. The single ray of light in La Tour’s work symbolizes profound spiritual relief from suffering.

Among the many masterpieces in the Louvre, “Saint Joseph and the Boy Jesus” by La Tour possesses a mysterious charm. In this painting, Joseph diligently works late into the night, while the Boy Jesus, holding a candle, intently illuminates his father’s work, gazing at him. A warm moment quietly flows between them. However, upon closer inspection, Joseph is making a cross to be used for crucifixion. The fate of a father making the cross that his son will one day bear is encapsulated in the composition of light and darkness illuminated by this single candle. La Tour, the son of a baker, must have helped with his parents’ work from a young age, staring daily into the furnace fire. The figures emerging from the flames he painted seem to hint at their own fate.

La Tour is particularly known for his various renditions of “The Penitent Magdalene,” depicting Magdalene who repented after meeting Christ. Magdalene, possessed by seven demons (pride, greed, lust, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth), was a sinful prostitute. My depiction of Magdalene is in the National Gallery in Washington, one of La Tour’s existing works with a significant portion of darkness, giving the impression of deep remorse. Yet, the woman’s profile that suddenly emerges in the candlelight seems to be plotting to ensnare men. Her eyes still sparkle with allure, and her lips are slightly open, smiling. This painting, while supposed to depict a moment of enlightenment, still seems not to have fully shed the remnants of earthly pleasures. Even the skeleton, said to symbolize the fragility of life, appears to be the remains of a man destroyed before Magdalene. The woman, thought to be quite young, shows a noticeably slackened jaw upon closer inspection. Perhaps she has given herself too young and feels older than her years. In my painting, I decided to give her a slightly more defined jawline, allowing her to repent a bit earlier. La Tour is said to have had a complex personality. What, indeed, is The Penitent Magdalene truly thinking in front of the holy fire? Achieving peace of soul is not easy; it is brought about over years, wavering between the sacred and the secular, as this painting may suggest. Looking at La Tour’s paintings, one can’t help but ponder such thoughts.

La Tour became a painter by divine guidance but was also known to live a very secular daily life as a tax collector, even inciting the anger of the common people as a member of the affluent privileged class. Indeed, La Tour’s paintings include not only religious scenes but also secular themes such as suspicion and betrayal, depicting con artists and fortune-tellers. His work embodies both purity and corruption. La Tour, who rose to become a court painter for Louis XIII, was long forgotten after his death. In the transition from Louis XIII to the “Sun King” Louis XIV, France embraced a lavish art movement, and La Tour’s quiet, spiritual paintings may have been swallowed by the whirlwind of the era. His work was only reassessed in the 20th century. Perhaps that, too, was divine guidance. There is a famous book by the scientist Faraday, “The Chemical History of a Candle,” delving sharply into the essence of science from the flame of a candle. Similarly, La Tour’s candle flame, while illuminating the human heart, may also pose the eternal mystery of human nature.


拉·圖爾的作品在蠟燭光照射下展現出的寧靜美,能溫暖觀賞者的心。聖者被描繪成貧窮的平民,散發著作為血肉之軀的尊嚴。17世紀法國受到卡拉瓦喬影響不多,但拉·圖爾年輕時訪問了羅馬,據說接受了卡拉瓦喬的光影洗禮。拉·圖爾畫了一系列以宗教主題神秘解釋的“夜”的作品,但拉·圖爾畫中的光並非現實中的光。他有意創造光與影。相對於卡拉瓦喬激情的畫面,拉·圖爾的作品則呈現出靜謐且充滿思索的畫面。他生活的17世紀是被戰亂、飢餓和疫病覆蓋的黑暗時代。人們在深沉的黑暗中不斷恐懼死亡和孤獨。拉·圖爾畫中的一縷光象徵著從苦難中獲得的深層精神慰藉。 在羅浮宮眾多名畫中,拉·圖爾的《聖約瑟夫與少年耶穌》散發著神秘的魅力。畫中,木匠約瑟夫埋頭苦幹,而手持蠟燭的少年耶穌則專注照亮他的工作,凝視著父親。兩人之間流淌著溫暖的時光。但細看之下,約瑟夫正在製作的是用於釘十字架的木架。這揭示了一個父親的命運,他正在為自己的兒子製作將來要背負的十字架。作為麵包師傅的兒子,拉·圖爾肯定從小就幫忙父母的工作,每天凝視著爐火。依靠這些記憶所繪製的火焰中浮現的人物,彷彿暗示著自己的命運。




