Leonardo da Vinci-Virgin of the Rocks




Virgin of the Rocks





Virgin of the Rocks

There are two versions of “The Virgin of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci, one in the Louvre Museum in Paris and the other in the National Gallery in London. Both paintings have nearly the same composition and the same figures. They depict the Virgin Mary, the Archangel Gabriel, the infant Jesus, and John the Baptist seated in a rocky grotto. “The Virgin of the Rocks” was initially commissioned in 1483 by Leonardo for the altar of the San Francesco Grande church in Milan, but was rejected by the client. A replacement work (the current London version) was delivered 25 years later in 1508. The first version was eventually sold to the King of France and was displayed at the Palace of Fontainebleau by 1625.

The first version led to a lawsuit due to the church’s refusal to accept it, suggesting that the issue was not the price but dissatisfaction with the content of the painting. The church wanted the three figures to have halos to deny their secular nature and to make the distinction between the infants clearer. In the London version, the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and John the Baptist all have halos, and the Archangel Gabriel is depicted with large wings, whereas in the Paris version, none have halos, and there are no wings. Overall, the Paris version is considered superior to the London version, which shows a stiffness in the figures and background, attributed to the finishing touches by Leonardo’s pupils, the de Predis brothers. However, the Archangel Gabriel in the London version is notably more elegant and beautiful, suggesting Leonardo himself may have refined the angel’s expression during a brief return to Milan. I decide to draw the Archangel Gabriel in the London version of “The Virgin of the Rocks” without wings, in line with Leonardo’s intent.

The Archangel Gabriel in the London version of “The Virgin of the Rocks” is depicted in a more monochromatic tone. The pointing gesture and red garment are gone, replaced by a drawing-like appearance in shades of brown. The tilted posture and the upward yet downcast gaze convey an indescribable grace and elegance. The Archangel Gabriel is the angel of destiny, coming to announce the Immaculate Conception to the Virgin Mary. While Fra Angelico’s Annunciation focuses on the splendor of Gabriel’s wings, Leonardo’s “The Virgin of the Rocks” pours effort into depicting holiness through the overwhelming beauty of the smiling angel. I believe Gabriel in “The Virgin of the Rocks” is among the most beautiful of Leonardo’s female figures.






