モランディは朝起きるとただちにこの小さなアトリエで静物画を手がけたという。生まれ故郷のボローニャから出かけることもなく、アトリエに籠もって同じモチーフをひたすら描き続けた。モランディの絵はいくつかの風景画を除き、そのほとんどが机上の器を描いたものである。最初期にはデ・キリコらの形而上絵画に同調したが、ほどなく20世紀現代美術の喧噪から離脱し、孤高の道を歩んで行く。 モランディの絵では、器類は横一列か、あるいは画面の中心に重なり合うように描かれている。この絵でもモチーフの花瓶や箱が身を寄せ合って中央に集められている。日常ではあり得ない配置だ。モランディは明らかに日常と異なる空間を創り出そうとしている。
背景はかなり大きくとられている。全体が同系色に統一されながらも、個々の器は微妙に異なる色と形を持ってそこにある。背景と調和しながら確たる存在を有している。 モランディは色彩をも限定する。モランディの絵は、色が極めて限られ、かつトーンの幅が狭い。全体に抑えたベージュ・クリーム・ブラウンなどの色彩で調子が整えられ、二色にかすかに分けられた背景とテーブルの中に、淡い色調の器が微妙なタッチで描かれている。この絵は全体に白く明るい絵であるが、不思議と見るたびに色が違って見えてしまう。描いているとどのような色であったか、次第に思い出せなくなる。心が思う色で描いていると、それは原作から離れた薔薇色がかった絵になっていた。モランディの絵では色彩の限定というよりは、限られた色幅の中で色のバランスをとることが重要なようだ。時々全体にグレーズをかけるように調子を整えながら、対象の輪郭に立ち返って描き込んで行く。
それでもモランディの絵を描いていると、日常的感情とは無縁な幾何学的構成を表現したものであると画家自身が語るのとは裏腹に、まるで人間が身を寄せ合って暮らしているかのように私には思えてくる。周囲の街の色に溶け込むように、それでいて自分たちの生活を頑として守りながら暮らすモランディの生活そのもののようだ。丸い形と四角い形の二種類のモチーフは男と女を現しているようにさえ思えてくるのだった。 ボローニャのアトリエに独り籠もり、何気ない壺や壜を禅僧のようにひたすら描き続けるモランディの絵は、画家がささやかなテーマから悟りの境地に到達できることを示してくれる。同時にモランディの絵は、「人は限られた愛でも深く愛することで仕合せになれる」ことを教えてくれる。

De Chirico’s Metaphysical Painting
’The Anguishing Morning’
Still Life
Explaining the allure of Morandi’s paintings to someone is no easy task. While they may seem unremarkable at first glance, seeing them in person is an unforgettable experience. The impression one gets from viewing them in an art book is completely different. His paintings appear both ancient and new. I was pleasantly surprised to find one of his paintings casually displayed at the entrance of an acquaintance’s company. It made me happy to see Japanese companies decorating their spaces with such tasteful Morandi pieces. I was told it was a gift from someone connected to Morandi and is especially remarkable among his works. It certainly speaks to the sophistication of an investment firm.
My first encounter with Morandi was at the Morandi exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum. Instead of abstracting his subjects or painting them in a photorealistic manner, Morandi’s paintings, with their austere and simple forms painted in restrained colors, exuded a profound presence amidst their tranquility. The exhibition featured a life-size reproduction of Morandi’s studio, which was incredibly modest, almost mirroring his paintings themselves. Morandi is said to have worked on his still lifes immediately upon waking up in this small studio. He spent his entire life in Bologna, his birthplace, tirelessly painting the same motifs without ever leaving his studio. Apart from a few landscape paintings, most of Morandi’s works depict objects on a table. Initially, he aligned with the Metaphysical painting of De Chirico, but soon withdrew from the noise of 20th-century contemporary art to walk a solitary path.
In Morandi’s paintings, objects such as vases and boxes are either aligned in a row or clustered at the center of the canvas in arrangements that defy everyday logic. He clearly aimed to create a space different from the ordinary. The backgrounds are often expansive, and while the overall palette is unified, each object subtly differs in color and shape, standing out against the background.
Morandi also limited his color usage; his paintings feature a narrow range of tones, primarily in muted beige, cream, and brown, creating a harmonious tone. Despite the overall light and white appearance of his paintings, the colors seem to change with every viewing, making it difficult to recall the exact colors used over time. It seems Morandi painted with the colors of his heart, which sometimes led to creations that strayed from the original, imbued with a rosy hue. It appears that in Morandi’s work, the focus was not on limiting colors but on balancing them within a limited range, occasionally applying a glaze to adjust the tone while reverting to the contours of the subject.
Morandi notably limited his motifs and repeated them. Over forty years, from the 1920s to his late years, he continued to paint vases and glasses, changing their colors and arrangements. The ability to delve so deeply into the same motifs demonstrates a remarkable talent. By continuously observing the same subjects, one would undoubtedly start to notice things previously unseen, leading to an infinite expansion of discovery. Thus, in Morandi’s paintings, ordinary objects assert their presence with a strong will, yet they remain flexible enough to undergo transformation. The objects Morandi depicted are not particularly attractive or unique in shape; they are rather ordinary, yet they stand firm. Upon closer inspection, similar objects in his paintings slightly differ in form and are always used in multiples. Each motif in Morandi’s paintings is depicted as having equal existence, but contrasts bring out individual characteristics, creating depth and forming a microcosm. Like Galileo finding the laws of the universe in geometric shapes, Morandi spoke of extracting the principles of nature through his depiction of variously shaped vessels. Yet, despite Morandi’s own descriptions of his work as expressing geometric compositions unrelated to everyday emotions, to me, they seem to reflect human life, as if people are huddled together, living their lives while blending into the colors of the surrounding town and steadfastly preserving their own way of life. The round and square motifs even appear to represent men and women.
Morandi’s paintings, created in solitude in his Bologna studio, focusing on mundane pots and bottles with the dedication of a Zen monk, demonstrate that an artist can reach enlightenment from humble themes. Morandi’s work also teaches us that “one can find happiness in deeply loving even a limited number of things.”