Gustave Moreau-Salome’s dance




Salome’s dance







Goddess on the Rock

Salome’s dance

Born to a father who was an architect deeply versed in art and a musician mother, Moreau was able to dedicate his life to painting without ever having to sell his work, thanks to his family’s warm understanding and financial support. Moreau inherited the pictorial world of Chassériau, who sought to merge Ingres’s lines with Delacroix’s vibrant colors, and went on to create mystical and decorative paintings. Moreau described his artistic world as follows: “I do not believe in what I touch or what I see. I only believe in what I cannot see and what I feel.” Thus, he steadfastly rejected realism and impressionism, building a unique and unforgettable fantastical world of his own.

To me, Impressionism, which presented a novelty in painting expression, seems to be overvalued compared to the visionary paintings of Symbolism, which expressed the human psyche. Art is not only about depicting what is visible in the external light but also about expressing the invisible that lurks in the heart, which truly resonates. Although Impressionist paintings are indeed pleasant and beautiful at any viewing, I find myself quickly growing tired of them after repeated viewings. An acquaintance of mine who lived with Renoir’s wonderful “Girl with a Basket of Flowers” said the same. He later collected a large number of Moreau’s paintings, and I wonder what he is doing now. I once had the opportunity to see a collection of Moreau’s paintings in his office, and it might be that Moreau’s paintings produce a drug-like effect, generating addictive substances in the brain and fostering an obsession. For a long time, discerning Japanese collectors have been secretly amassing Moreau’s works. While Impressionist paintings do not transform one’s personality, Moreau’s paintings possess a magical power that erodes the boundary between reality and the painted world, invading life itself.

Moreau’s large oil paintings may seem slow and uninteresting, but his smaller works encapsulate the essence of Moreau, exuding a demonic beauty, particularly his watercolors. Moreau’s masterpieces are all extremely small in size, making it impossible to replicate every detail. Technically, from his remaining unfinished paintings, it can be inferred that Moreau first applied color, then detailed decorative patterns with line drawing, and finally added more color. Moreau’s paintings exhibit a meticulous yet calculated disorder, shining like gems.

In his later years, Moreau devoted himself to his own museum, wanting to live forever surrounded by the fantastical images swirling within him. The world of Moreau’s paintings, created away from the bothersome interactions with the real world, can only be understood in a complete space devoid of foreign beauty. Taking on the role of an art teacher in his later years was, I believe, his way of maintaining mental balance. The fact that Moreau discovered Rouault and Matisse was initially surprising; however, Rouault was spiritually akin to Moreau, and Matisse, who sought simple colors seemingly at the opposite spectrum, actually shared Moreau’s deep conviction of not tolerating anything outside his own painted living space.

This painting is a watercolor version of “The Dance of Salome” owned by the Menard Art Museum, focusing solely on Salome from the famous oil painting “Salome Dancing before Herod.” The watercolor, with its improvisational elements, conveys the author’s true intentions more effectively. In preparing to create “Salome Dancing before Herod,” Moreau produced many pencil sketches to study the effects of light and shadow, which inspired me to try drawing in pencil as well. This Salome, I believe, is in the most graceful pose among the various famous depictions, with her slightly reclined upper body balancing the overall forward-moving posture, creating a moment of silence. The tension in the tips of her fingers is striking. It is challenging to capture the concentration of mental energy in just a few millimeters of expression. In Salome, the essence of the art of painting that Moreau aimed for is concentrated. Although many artists have repeatedly depicted Salome, none have surpassed Moreau’s image. Moreau’s deep fascination with Salome was because she was a woman destined to drive men’s lives to madness. In his youth, Moreau was bewitched by the sexual allure of a woman, leading to an unplanned pregnancy, nearly derailing his life. I think Moreau was surprisingly normal in his taste for real women, but his Salome embodies the reverence and dread for the demonic nature of femininity, worshipped as a mystical object yet leading to ruin. Yet, the artist could not resist seeking the woman of fate, even if it meant his life was thrown into disarray.








