Georges Rouault-Passion






ルオーの絵を模写してみると、それは決して罪の告白や宗教的な絵ではないように思えてくる。 ルオーの絵には画家の人間性がとりわけ色濃く反映している。ルオーは言っている。「私は一生を通じて金の心配をしていた。未来への、貧乏への、不安があった。長い間みんなに見離なされ、どうしたら生きていけるのだろう」と。それでも絵を描くことしかできない自分がピエロのように思えたに違いない。見渡せばこの世には無数の名もなく貧しい人々が、その務めを黙々と果たして死んで行く。彼らにこそ人生の真実があるのではないか。だから娼婦であっても、ルオーの作品の中では聖人やキリストと同じ地位を占めている。ルオーは悪を、腐敗を、いかがわしい快楽を描きながら、人生の奥義を探ろうとする。黙々と塗り込められた絵の具は次第に強さを増し、ルオーの苦悩はいつしか美に転化する。ルオーは師モローと同様に、どこか社会と巧く折り合いをつけられずに、社会に対する幻滅を、美の世界に身を置くことでかろうじて繋ぎ止めている危うさがある。危うさは美の秘薬なのかもしれない。





Born as the son of a furniture craftsman, Rouault became a stained glass artisan, and then a painter. I always thought Rouault’s paintings were inimitable, but trying to replicate them, I found they were not so difficult after all. Even with thin layers, one can surprisingly capture Rouault’s ambiance. Indeed, even Rouault’s prints somehow convey the atmosphere of his oil paintings. It seems that thick layers are not the only characteristic of Rouault’s style. His paintings remain distinctly Rouault-like, even if the lines or colors slightly differ. Bold black lines are essential; drawing them timidly does not capture his essence. Replicating Rouault’s paintings feels like venting accumulated frustrations, as if they are not confessions of sin or religious paintings.

Rouault’s paintings intensely reflect the artist’s humanity. Rouault said, “Throughout my life, I worried about money. I had fears about the future, about poverty. I felt abandoned by everyone for a long time, wondering how I would survive.” Yet, he must have felt like a clown, only able to paint. Looking around, countless nameless and poor people silently fulfill their duties and die. Perhaps the truth of life belongs to them. Thus, in Rouault’s works, prostitutes occupy the same status as saints and Christ. While depicting evil, corruption, and dubious pleasures, Rouault seeks the mysteries of life. The diligently applied paint gradually intensifies in strength, transforming Rouault’s anguish into beauty. Like his mentor Moreau, Rouault struggled to reconcile with society, barely clinging to the world of beauty amidst disillusionment with society. This precariousness may be the elixir of beauty.

The allure of Rouault’s paintings is not immediately apparent. Their charm may only be felt by keeping them close by. Remembering the art exhibition of Hideo Kobayashi’s cherished art pieces at the Shoto Museum of Art, including Rouault, I was disappointed to realize this was the original source of Kobayashi’s sophisticated and challenging essays that once tormented me during university entrance exams. Doubts arose about Kobayashi’s true aesthetic sense, considering the limited range of artworks a writer could afford. Perhaps the attitude of writing with a Rouault painting at hand is commendable. The Rouault in the Bridgestone Museum of Art or the Idemitsu Museum of Arts are indeed worthy of Kobayashi’s writings.

Painting Rouault’s works prompts contemplation on the boundary between completion and incompletion. Rouault once retrieved paintings from a dealer, claiming they were unfinished, and repeatedly discarded and added to them, highlighting the difficult question of when a painting is considered complete. Putting down the brush is a decision. Bonnard was known to add to paintings even after they were placed in museums, and as Cézanne feared, indeed, adding just one stroke often leads to the collapse of the entire composition. The fear of collapse by adding another stroke, yet striving to delve deeper, is also the essence of being a painter. Realizing that, like Rouault, there is no completion to a painting, and deciding to eternally add to it, is another method I’ve become aware of. Meanwhile, Picasso knew when to put down the brush. Portraits like Olga’s seem unfinished immediately, but the brush was laid down where no further progress could be made. Deciding which approach denotes a talented artist is something I cannot hastily determine.







