Tiziano Vecello-Young woman at her toilet




Young woman
Sacred Love




ティツィアーノの絵を描いていると、そこに現世肯定的な気風を感じることができる。彼の絵には「生の賛歌」が込められているのだ。 ティツィアーノの肖像画には、それまでの画家にはない、本人の真の性格、隠蔽された本質が描かれている。法王であろうと富豪であろうと、どんな相手も見透かして容赦しない。ただそれは男に限る。女性に関しては一転して性格の描写よりは性的な嗜好が画題となる。聖女に扮した娼婦は、限りなく娼婦であることを醸し出し、ただ高級な娼婦であることだけを付け加える。ティツィアーノの女性の絵は、特に絵の具が何十と塗り重ねられ、女性の持つ本来の美しさ、柔らかさが際立ち、手触りまで感じ取ることができる。それまでの画家の色使いとは異なり、温かみが感じられ、その色彩は執拗で濃い。宗教画においても非常に日常的な雰囲気が伝わってくる。

有名な「聖愛と俗愛」には聖なる愛が肉体を創造した神の愛として象徴的に描かれている。ティツィアーノの描く聖愛は、神の愛が生命力に溢れた健やかな官能的な美に宿ると言わんばかりである。 晩年のティツィアーノの絵は、大きな筆使いでザザーと描かれ、その大雑把に描いた絵には何とも言えない魅力がある。そこには天寿を全うした画家の境地が現れている。

Young woman at her toilet

At Venice Airport, boats are docked alongside, allowing entry to the city from the sea. Freed from the weight of the earth, the city appears to be floating, beautifully cradled between the blue sea and the clear blue sky, especially when approached by boat. Venice is as beautiful now as it ever was. It seems only natural that Titian, born there, became a painter of rich colors, unlike the painters of Florence. Titian’s colors possess a carnal quality different from the sacred hues of Raphael. But it’s not just about the colors. Titian, who lived a long life as an innovator of Venetian painting while Giorgione died young, filled his paintings with a sweet lyricism inherited from Giorgione, giving both men and women a unique fragrance, particularly noticeable in his paintings of women where the breath of the flesh-and-blood painter is strongly felt.

The painting in question is a copy of “Portrait of a Young Woman” in the Louvre. Titian, perhaps fond of this model, used her as the subject in various paintings, including the famous “Flora” in the Uffizi Gallery. Titian often depicted women with a seductive glance, tilting their heads slightly to the left, which seems very natural, perhaps due to the profession of the models. One shoulder is often exposed, as if the strap might slip off at any moment to reveal the breast. The fact that Titian does not explicitly paint both breasts might be considered a tasteful restraint. Unlike Raphael, the women Titian paints look directly out with open eyes, exuding a strong vitality. Titian surely drew living strength from young women. “Portrait of a Young Woman” is a painting with few dark brown colors, yet one can feel the rich colors. A considerable bright color is applied in the underpainting, and the color tone is unified in the finishing touches. It’s curious that even in a copy, layering bright colors underneath is essential to achieve a Titian-like effect. I decide to lay down the blue of Venice as the base color. The foundation must be carefully prepared to the very edge of becoming too thick, yet even my painting loses some of the sensuality compared to the original. This might be something that can only be drawn with considerable experience. Painting Titian’s works, one can feel a worldly affirmative spirit. His paintings are a “hymn to life.”

Titian’s portraits reveal the true character and concealed essence of the subject in a way not seen in the work of previous artists. He spared no one, be they pope or magnate, seeing through them without mercy. However, this is limited to men; when it comes to women, the depiction switches to one focused more on sexual preferences. A courtesan dressed as a saint exudes an air of being nothing less than a courtesan, merely adding a touch of class. Titian’s paintings of women, in particular, are layered with dozens of paint layers, highlighting the inherent beauty and softness of women, even to the touch. His use of color, warm and intense, differs from that of his predecessors, conveying a very everyday atmosphere even in religious paintings. His famous “Sacred and Profane Love” symbolically portrays sacred love as the love of God that created the body, filled with a healthy, sensual beauty that seems to overflow with life force.

In his later years, Titian’s paintings, executed with broad brush strokes, have an indescribable charm, reflecting the state of a painter who had lived out his natural life.







