
La Bella Simonetta

La Bella Simonetta

La Bella Simonetta
La Bella Simonetta
The Uffizi Gallery is always crowded. The first time I visited, I was told there was a one-hour wait, but thanks to my young son making a fuss about needing to use the bathroom, we were able to slip in amidst the confusion. The room with Botticelli’s works was particularly packed, forming a line, but a guard standing by the exit was frowning and repeatedly waving his hand sideways down low. It seemed to be a signal to enter through the exit unnoticed. This is how I first saw Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus.” It was a very beautiful painting, vastly different from seeing it in a book. The woman drawn with graceful curves, naked, her rich blond hair flowing, was incredibly beautiful and pure. The joy of the Renaissance, a time liberated from the shackles of religion, still comes through from this canvas that praises the human body under the guise of Greek mythology. It’s as if all the ideals of that era are encapsulated in that body.
This painting is a portrait of Simonetta Vespucci owned by Marubeni. It has only been publicly displayed three times in the last thirty years, but I have seen it once in person. Simonetta was renowned for her unparalleled beauty from that time and rumored to be the lover of Giuliano de’ Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent’s brother, but she died young from a disease of the chest. “The Birth of Venus” and “Primavera,” which were displayed in the Medici’s villa at Castello, are said to have her as the model. Botticelli’s paintings from the time under the Medici’s patronage feature women with melancholic and wistful expressions, delicately drawn by the artist known as the “poet of lines.” There is a serenity emanating from these beautiful women veiled in love, filled with classical music and poetic sentiment. One can almost hear the ode to the longing for mythology and the love of nature. Botticelli, with his sensitive and delicate nature, unlike Filippo Lippi, might not have embarked on passionate love affairs, but he surely harbored a secret love for Simonetta. Her translucent azure eyes made her blond hair stand out even more. In this painting, the sky by the window is painted in a light color to match her eyes. Botticelli, who once apprenticed as a goldsmith, shows his fragile artistic temperament in his work. The white lace around the neck is as delicately woven as if with golden threads. Even the disregard for perspective in the painting conveys an emotional atmosphere. Contrary to Leonardo, Botticelli’s focus on line drawing in his portraits may remind us of Japanese paintings, which may appear especially refreshing to us Japanese.
Botticelli was born in Florence and spent most of his life there. Both he and Leonardo emerged from the workshop of Verrocchio, but Lorenzo the Magnificent, who brought the Renaissance to bloom, favored Botticelli for his color and line beauty, never showing the same regard for the true Renaissance man, Leonardo. Among the Florentine painters known for their elegance, Botticelli stood out in his prime, but in later years he was swayed by the religious turmoil brought about by the Dominican monk Savonarola, shifting away from his previous style to create stiff and uninteresting paintings. Therefore, Botticelli was forgotten until the 19th century when he was rediscovered by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in England. It is surprising that such paintings were forgotten for a time, but now everyone acknowledges that Botticelli’s Simonetta is the most beautiful woman in the Uffizi.