Dante Gabriel Rosset-Beata Beatrix 




Beata Beatrix 





Beata Beatrix

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, who rediscovered Botticelli, was a British art movement that aimed to return to the art filled with the naive and devout spirit before Raphael, seeking to create new expressions. Initially, the Pre-Raphaelites pursued obsessive natural depiction, producing paintings with a unique atmosphere. However, their themes, deeply immersed in literature and mythology, gradually adopted a more aesthetic tendency, and surprisingly quickly reverted to the individual personalities of the artists.

Among the Pre-Raphaelites, known for their vivid colors reminiscent of medieval frescoes, I particularly like Rossetti. In the founding manifesto of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Rossetti stated, “Our main purpose is to produce genuinely excellent paintings with a sincere heart, carefully observing nature without being ensnared by conventionalities.” However Rossetti gradually led a life quite contrary to this. His paintings pulse with the passion of love. Despite repeatedly painting the same compositions, the quality of his work fluctuated significantly. It’s unclear whether the lack of money intensely amplified the painter’s emotional instability or if it was the amplitude of love. Rossetti could not paint unless he formed a relationship beyond that of an artist and model. He needed three women to satisfy his desires as a painter: a lover, a prostitute, and a mistress. The melancholic and mystical Elizabeth Siddal, the sexually and sensually Fanny Cornforth, and Jane Burden, a woman of love and sensuality. While it’s possible to distinguish which woman modeled for which painting upon close inspection, sometimes one might fall into the illusion that it could be any of them. Rossetti might have integrated these three different personalities into his paintings, leaving only someone’s figure at the last moment. Despite Rossetti’s paintings being neatly colored, not suggesting they were made by a person unstable and doomed, in his final years, he suffered from debt and drug addiction, moving towards Beatrice.

“Beata Beatrix” (Blessed Beatrice) is undoubtedly Rossetti’s masterpiece, although there are several versions with significant differences. This painting is the Beata Beatrix at the Tate Gallery. Beatrice was the woman whom the poet Dante loved all his life. The mystical Siddal, with her dreamy gaze and translucent skin, was Rossetti’s muse for Beatrice. “Beata Beatrix,” depicting Beatrice being called from Earth to heaven, was modeled after Siddal. A red dove, the messenger of love and death, brings a poppy, the source of opium. The sundial points to the hour of Beatrice’s death at nine. An angel of love burns the last flame of life. In the golden glow, the soul of the eternal lover Beatrice ecstatically ascends to heaven. The figure of the poet Dante, staring anxiously at the fading flame, is Dante Gabriel Rossetti himself. Overwhelmed by guilt and regret, Rossetti, as if creating Beatrice himself, relentlessly pursued Siddal, overlaying Siddal’s death with Beatrice’s final moment. The painter, named Dante by his poet father, might have been infatuated with Dante’s poetry, chasing a woman of fate that did not exist in this world. Five hundred years after the poet’s death, Beatrice was sealed in a painting by Rossetti at the immeasurable cost of his wife’s death. Siddal in this painting is filled with joy. While painting, I strongly feel that Siddal was blessed to escape Rossetti’s curse to a peaceful rest, and Rossetti, filled with remorse towards Siddal, must have painted this scene multiple times.






