Tamara de Lempicka-Portrait of Tamara de Lempicka






この絵は、そんなレンピッカが絶頂を極めた1929年頃に撮影された「ロングドレスを着たタマラ」の写真を基に描いたものである。社交界の花形であったレンピッカは、グレタ・ガルボのように気取った姿でポーズを取っている。女優と見紛うばかりの美しさを備えたレンピッカは、まず自分自身を作品であるかのように際立たせた。スキャンダラスで自由な女性のイメージを定着させるかのように、私生活では男女を問わず関係を持ち、ボヘミアンな生活を謳歌する。この写真にはそんなレンピッカが集約されて現われている。私はレンピッカの作品よりは彼女自身を描くことにする。 アール・デコは1925年に開催されたパリ万国装飾美術博覧会で花開いたデザイン風潮である。世紀末のアール・ヌーヴォーが植物など曲線を多用した有機的なデザインであったのに対して、アール・デコは自動車や飛行機といった工業製品のように規格化された形態や近代的都市生活をテーマとした直線的なデザインが特徴である。この写真でレンピッカはまさにアール・デコを象徴する直線的なドレスに身を包んでいる。顔の陰影には細心の配慮がなさせ、レンピッカの絵画がどこか写真との親和性を持っていることをうかがわせる。レンピッカは当時流行の最先端ファッションを身につけた女性を数多く描いている。それまでの男性たちが描いた女性像とは異なり、堂々とした女性が官能的に描かれている。人物は画面一杯に配され、たった一色の緑や赤の服をまとった女性の肉体が量感を強調して描かれている。また作品にはストーリー性を持たせ話題を煽った。この写真が撮られた30歳の頃にレンピッカはクフナー男爵と出会う。はじめ男爵は愛人の肖像画をタマラに依頼したのだが、モデルとなった愛人に代わって、自分自身が男爵の愛人となり、その後クフナー男爵と結婚してしまう。文字道り男爵夫人という社会的地位を手に入れる。第二次世界大戦の脅威の中、夫妻はアメリカに居を移す。夫の男爵という立場を利用してハリウッドスターお気に入りの芸術家として名声を得るが、第二次世界大戦が終結する頃にはレンピッカ人気にも陰りが出始める。誇り高い彼女はアーティストとしての活動に終止符を打ってしまう。しかし時代は再び巡り、1970年代に入ると、レンピッカのファッショナブルでスタイリッシュな芸術はアメリカを中心に再評価される。ファッション界、芸能界などの著名人がこぞってコレクションをし始める。俳優のジャック・ニコルソンや歌手のマドンナはレンピッカの大ファンとして有名である。


Portrait of Tamara de Lempicka

Tamara de Lempicka’s paintings are a mirror image of Lempicka’s own life. Born into a wealthy family in Warsaw at the end of the 19th century, she spent her adolescence in Switzerland and Russia. At 15, she fell in love with a beautiful man she saw at the opera, and at 18, she married him. However, shortly after their marriage, the Russian Revolution broke out in 1917, and they fled to Paris. The couple lived off the sale of their jewels, but when their daughter Kizette was born when Lempicka was 21, she decided to become a painter to support the family. Lempicka, who had a natural talent, quickly improved, and became famous as a portrait painter in Paris, aided by her beauty. Unlike the abstract art that was mainstream in Paris at the time, her elegant and fashionable portraits, influenced by Cubism yet rendered in vivid colors, became highly sought after by duchesses and celebrities. In her portrait work, she considered the temperaments of her difficult models, charging a flat fee of 50,000 francs per piece like Warhol would later do, finishing them in a short period, and showing a business-minded side. The 1920s was the period when the new and elegant style of Art Deco was born. Lempicka reached the pinnacle of her career as a perfect child of Art Deco, but as the enthusiastic trend faded, so did Lempicka’s brilliance.

The painting is based on a photo of “Tamara in a Long Dress” taken around 1929, when Lempicka was at her peak. As a socialite, Lempicka posed in a pretentious manner like Greta Garbo. With beauty that could be mistaken for that of an actress, Lempicka first made herself stand out as if she were a work of art. She lived a bohemian life, enjoying relationships with both men and women, and establishing the image of a scandalous and free woman. This photo encapsulates Lempicka in that essence. I decide to portray Lempicka herself rather than her works.

Art Deco is a design trend that blossomed at the Paris International Exposition of Decorative Arts held in 1925. Unlike Art Nouveau at the end of the century, which utilized organic designs with many curves, such as plants, Art Deco featured geometric forms and linear designs themed around modern urban life, resembling industrial products like automobiles and airplanes. In this photo, Lempicka is precisely wrapped in a straight-lined dress that symbolizes Art Deco. Careful attention to the shadows on her face suggests an affinity between Lempicka’s paintings and photography. Lempicka painted many women wearing the latest fashion trends of the time. Unlike the female images drawn by men before her, her paintings sensually depicted confident women. The subjects were arranged to fill the canvas, emphasizing the volume of women’s bodies dressed in a single color of green or red. The paintings also stirred conversation by incorporating narratives. Around the age of 30, when this photo was taken, Lempicka met Baron Kuffner. Initially, the baron commissioned a portrait of his mistress from Tamara, but instead, Tamara herself became the baron’s lover and later married him, acquiring the social status of a baroness. During the threat of World War II, the couple moved to America. Using her husband’s status as a baron, she gained fame as a favorite artist among Hollywood stars, but by the time World War II ended, Lempicka’s popularity began to wane. Proudly, she put an end to her artistic activities. However, as time turned again, by the 1970s, Lempicka’s fashionable and stylish art was reevaluated, primarily in America. Celebrities from the fashion and entertainment industries, including actor Jack Nicholson and singer Madonna, started collecting her works, known as big fans of Lempicka.

Lempicka’s paintings, at times resembling posters, are imbued with a mysterious vitality, vividly reflecting her way of life. Her works teach us that in painting, the artist’s skill, and the ability to infuse their life philosophy into their art are crucial, transcending time.







