Henri Matisse-Blue Nude Ⅱ




Blue Nude Ⅱ 
The Red Studio


マティスはピカソと異なり、初めから画家を目指していた訳ではない。入院を契機に法律家から画家に転進した。ましてマティスは初めから革新的な絵を目指していた訳ではない。モローに師事し、過去の巨匠たちの作品を徹底的に模写することから初めたのである。モローはマティスの天賦の才を見抜き、「君は絵を単純化するために生まれてきた」と言ったと伝えられているが、やがてマティスの模写は自由な解釈を始める。 マティスは最も影響を受けた画家は誰かと問われて、迷わずポール・セザンヌと答えている。マティスは少ない稼ぎを貯めてセザンヌの絵を買い、画家としての心の支えにしていたと言う。マティスはゴーギャンから色彩の解放を学び取り、自由な色を選ぶようになる。



マティスのブルー・ヌードを実際切って制作してみると、手足や首、胸などが微妙にくっ付いていたり離れていたりするのが、とても気になってくる。切り込みの空いている幅が貼り付けた時、微妙に重要である。間を空けすぎると全体の雰囲気が壊れ、狭め過ぎると伸びやかさがなくなる。胸の切り込みなどは、そこが失敗すると他がどんなによく出来ても台無しになる。 切り絵を実際に制作しみて、マティスの絵を私が何度やっても巧く描けなかった理由が実感としてわかってきた。一つ一つの線の太さや長さ、それに形の微妙な歪みがマティスにおいてはとりわけ重要なのだ。それが少しでもずれると雰囲気を壊すのである。ましてそれに色が加わるのだから、案外と難しい訳だ。


Blue Nude Ⅱ

In terms of both paintings and women, Picasso deeply considered Matisse as his rival. Matisse’s drawings were displayed in a restaurant that had been relocated to a Western style building from the Meiji era along the Atami coast. They matched the setting very well. The presence of Matisse’s paintings adds a lively yet elegant feel. They enliven the atmosphere in a refined way. With themes that don’t depress, sophisticated forms, and harmonious colors. Matisse has said he aimed to create art that serves as a good armchair, offering rest for the weary, and it’s true. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if Matisse’s paintings are skillful or not, but trying to replicate them reveals their complexity. His paintings may look like they have simple compositions with thin layers of paint, but they are the result of repeatedly wiping away and redoing the paint. It seems the secret lies in the traces of these revisions and the speed of the brush strokes. In any case, I always end up feeling frustrated. Unlike Picasso, Matisse didn’t initially set out to be a painter. It was his hospitalization that shifted his path from law to painting. Moreover, Matisse didn’t start with the aim of creating innovative paintings. He began by thoroughly copying the works of past masters under the guidance of Moreau. Moreau recognized Matisse’s innate talent and is reported to have said, ‘You were born to simplify painting.’ Eventually, Matisse’s copies began to take on a life of their own with free interpretations.

When asked who the most influential painter was to him, Matisse didn’t hesitate to name Paul Cézanne. Matisse said he saved his modest earnings to buy a painting by Cézanne, which supported him emotionally as an artist. He learned the liberation of color from Gauguin and began to choose colors freely. Emphasizing and pursuing the idea that painting is a flat art, Matisse eventually turned to cut-outs. This switch was also triggered by a hospital stay. Matisse described his cut-outs as ‘drawing with scissors through color, a direct carving of color like a sculptor.’ For Matisse, color was an expression of emotion. Changing a color necessitated changing the form to achieve a new balance. For him, the composition of a painting was a technique for combining an artist’s emotions in a decorative way. Thus, his cut-outs, where shape and color are unified, represent his most straightforward, direct, and efficient method.

I decided to trace the artist’s trajectory starting from the simplicity he achieved. I began with the single-color Blue Nude. I thought cut-outs, which involve cutting pre-painted gouache paper, would be simple, but as I started creating them, I realized that Matisse’s spirit resides in how color and shape merge seamlessly. The shape is easier to handle since Matisse had already determined it, but the blue was the problem. From what I remembered seeing in real cut-outs, the blue didn’t seem special. However, no matter how many blues I tried, ordinary blues just didn’t feel right. So, I decided to use a powder blue (International Klein Blue) I had previously purchased, which was used by Yves Klein. Until then, I had never seen a Klein piece in person, but I remember an Italian restaurant in Nishiazabu during the bubble era had a Klein Venus, and that blue struck a special chord in my heart. However, this pigment was so fine that it became flaky and scattered when dried after being painted with water. Klein had used a special fixative, but I couldn’t get it to set properly on the canvas. After various failures with fixatives, oils, and varnishes, I finally managed to create a blue paper. When I cut out Matisse’s shapes from this paper, it felt just right. Regardless of what Matisse’s true colors were, the important thing for me was that the shapes and colors fit together. Cutting and creating the Blue Nude made me acutely aware of how the proximity of the limbs, neck, and chest mattered. The spacing of the cuts when affixed became crucial; too wide and the overall feel was lost, too narrow and the expansiveness was gone. Especially with the chest, a mistake there could ruin the rest of the piece no matter how well it was done.

Making the cut-outs, I began to understand why I could never paint Matisse’s paintings well, no matter how many times I tried. The thickness and length of each line, and the subtle distortions in shape, are particularly important in Matisse’s work. The slightest deviation can ruin the atmosphere. And when color is added to that, it’s surprisingly difficult. Looking at the Blue Nude every day, I can strongly feel its unshakeable composition. It’s not apparent just from looking at a book but creating several in different sizes shows that the Blue Nude maintains its power even when small. Once completed, Matisse suddenly feels closer. The more purified the colors and forms become, the higher the degree of completion required.








